If you see a whole thing - it seems that it's always beautiful. Planets, lives... But up close a world's all dirt and rocks. And day to day, life's a hard job, you get tired, you lose the pattern. - Ursula K. LeGuin

Sunday, September 5, 2010

RBOC: Something's Gotta Give Edition

  • It is only two weeks into the semester and I feel woefully behind.
  • My classes are going great.  My undergraduate class is really into the material.  I love a class that is willing to go with you, and this group definitely is.  My doctoral class has some quirks but is coming together.  
  • I always forget that no matter how many times I've taught a class and no matter how prepared I am before it starts, prepping classes takes time.  
  • I may have mentioned that my undergraduate class is a service learning class this year.  This means I have fewer students but I do need to coordinate with my community partners.  I have three partners, and they are all great, but it is another thing I need to remember and prep.
  • Somehow I thought it would be a good idea to write a small proposal with one of my community partners and a new doctoral student.  We fleshed out the research idea on Friday and I really want to do it (it involves interviewing teen moms and doulas, so of course I'm interested) but the deadline is three weeks away.
  • I love all of my graduate students but I have more than I should.  It feels like every week I have a proposal/draft to review or a comp exam to grade.  I am trying to say no to any new requests. 
  • Did I mention the big grant (the one I've been working on for over a year now), still isn't done and is due in mid-October?
  • I got one paper revised and out last week and hope to get a second out by the end of next week.  I will still have one more revision before I can even start on new papers. 
  • My service commitments have gone through the roof.  I am trying to accept them strategically and to drop a few as more get added.  At minimum we are supposed to be on 1 committee in our department; 1 committee in our school; and 1 committee in our university.  Very few of us fail to meet this minimum and most of us far exceed it.  I am on two departmental committees and am Doctoral Program Coordinator; I'm the chair of a committee in our school and I am on three committees in the university.
  • b and I have remained true to our new healthy lifestyle.  We continue to visit the gym 6 mornings a week and I slip in a few classes 2-3 times a week.  We had our second visit with the nutritionist and our diet is on track.  We are cooking at home a lot, which is good but has created a lot more work. We both feel good but tired most of the time.  We're hoping that changes.
  • So far what has "given" is my 365 Project.  I stopped taking photos the week classes started.  It was actually a bit of a relief.
  • Blogging has also been hard hit.  I'm posting around once a week now and I can't keep up with reading all my bloggy friends. I don't want blogging or reading blogs to feel like a chore. The worst part is I don't think of random blog posts to write throughout the day.  I miss that.
  • My book club meets next week.  I'm only a third of the way through the book (mostly because I don't like it all that much) and have a growing mound of books I want to read on my nightstand.  I'm not sure how long reading for pleasure will last.
  • I've also been working my way through Friday Night Lights on Netflix.  By the end of the day I am often too tired for anything but a TV show.  I was amazed by the first season.  What I thought was a silly teen show about football was really a critical analysis of race and gender relations, class, and disability.  The second season has proven to be less critical than the first but I've been assured it gets better.  


Seeking Solace said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who is behind on blog wrtiing and reading. :)

life_of_a_fool said...

yeah for FNL! I've been thinking of re-watching season 1. It has its low points, but in general it's great!

I think I've been in a stock-up-on-the-slacking mode for the past few weeks, in anticipation of being overwhelmed all semester. Or, I'm already so overwhelmed that I have shut down. Not good.

Amanda@Lady Scientist said...

I am so woefully behind in everything. Including blogging and blog reading! I've been thinking about watching FNL. I've heard good things about it, but with your endorsement I might actually start watching!

Annie said...

Hi Brigindo,
Like you said, saying "no" to new projects and more committees will probably prove to be the key to finishing what you already have, and being pleased with your accomplishments. It's great you are still able to stick to your healthy living choices. Good luck with everything.

ruth pennebaker said...

I second -- or third -- the kudos for Friday Night Lights. I love the series so much I get ridiculously happy just hearing the opening music.

Unknown said...

I feel so behind this semester too and I'm definitely not doing nearly as much as you are - I'm really impressed and inspired... and it's kind of nice to see that people actually do work now and again. And think stuff like pop culture, pleasure reading, and gym time shouldn't be cut so quickly...

Julie said...

I would love to read the interviews with the teen moms and their doulas. Good luck with that, and best wishes with all you have going on this semester.

Drax said...

I hope something didn't permanently give. Come back soon.