If you see a whole thing - it seems that it's always beautiful. Planets, lives... But up close a world's all dirt and rocks. And day to day, life's a hard job, you get tired, you lose the pattern. - Ursula K. LeGuin

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Proof that I'm a Nerd #426

Yesterday I was excited to learn the interlibrary loan for a book on my grant topic had arrived and I was up past midnight reading the first chapter (that should be enough to classify me as a nerd but wait it gets better). While reading I got sidetracked by an excellent idea on how to teach theory in my intro class next Fall. This thought kept me awake even after lights were out and I was snuggled cosy next to b.

BTW, proof #s 424 and 425 are that I totally enjoy teaching theory and research methods.


Debz said...

Brig I want to comment but i think my elementary school level blog experience has left me flat. I think i should probably take your intro class next fall. get me some edge-amacation. attempting humor please bear with me - its hard right now but hey i am trying

Miss Feisty said...

I agree...anyone who enjoys teaching theory & research methods is a nerd! But, being a nerd aint such a bad thing :)

Debz said...

You have been TAGGED. I was tagged my VABlondie and decided to pass the torch to you. If you have already had this tag I apologize, not quite myself these days.

Sorry about that.

Hey you were such a good teacher with the linking question I had, can you teach me how to do a strikeover. Someone tried but I guess they did not know I was "elementary level" (haha) and needed to be talked to on my level.

Dr. Bad Ass said...

Happens to me all the time. Nerds, unite!

Eliza said...

Oh yeah? I can do you one better (worse). I can't even teach anymore due to poor health and just read this and had a little vicarious thrill. Now that is just SAD! I've fallen behind in NCLM for the same reason you cited in another entry (and I DO appreciate the translation for the math-challenged, because I may hold a terminal degree in LANGUAGE, but anything greater than two digits is "many" to me); I keep finding all of these new-to-me blogs, and falling in love with them, and they have ARCHIVES...