Snow Day
What for others is crisp, clean,
even sparkly,
for me is barren and cold.
Waking up to an altered landscape,
your ice-laden purity,
fails to bring the allure of promise.Instead I see a future with
streets dressed in black, brown and grey-hued
mounds of solidified exhaustI'll build no snowmen;
I'll forgo an icy descent
belly-down on plastic,
face inches from the
slushy cold.But you'll mock me nonetheless,
your pristine sameness interrupted
by a parade of turquoise and fuchsia wool.I too once believed
long ago
your myths of home and hearth
of exploration and adventure
of endless beauty and wonderBut now I know you can only
the luscious pain and beauty
I've see every day.
Hi Brigindo,
I enjoyed your poem and the images. Seeing the surfboard, its top edge and fin covered with snow, reflects much of what your poem conveys.
I love the whole poem, but these two stanzas are my favorite, with wonderful sound, imagery, and rhythm:
"I'll build no snowmen;
I'll forgo an icy descent
belly-down on plastic,
face inches from the
slushy cold.
But you'll mock me nonetheless,
your pristine sameness interrupted
by a parade of turquoise and fuchsia wool."
I've never lived where it snows; and when I've seen it, I've appreciated it for the novelty.
Beautiful Brigindo!
very beautiful, soothing.
I love the poem! I also like how you mix the images within the poem itself. What a great idea. The surfboard is striking, as are all of the written images.
Yes, the poem is beautiful. But for me, it also speaks of the "pretense" of winter wonderland. I love the juxtaposition of purity versus the mounds of exhaust. Let's face it. Melting snow is just plain fugly, especially on city streets. New white snow covers up everything that is real, whether it's "luscious pain or beauty." I really love that line... and the entire poem. It's the first one I've read lately that mirrors my feelings about snow.
I was wondering if had much snow your way. Egad! Not much for us, thankfully.
I hope you don't live anywhere near me because boy would you be miserable this week.
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