If you see a whole thing - it seems that it's always beautiful. Planets, lives... But up close a world's all dirt and rocks. And day to day, life's a hard job, you get tired, you lose the pattern. - Ursula K. LeGuin

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Working At Home: A Photo Essay

Today I worked at home.

Pupzilla and The Brute kept me company as I slaved over the computer trying to revise my grant for a fast approaching due date.



The joy of working at home is that I get to slave over a hot stove/oven in between slaving over the computer. Today I baked another loaf of NoKnead Bread. It came out divine but I'm still burning the bottom a little.

Taken While the Bread was "Singing"

I also recreated my Boef Bourguignon (Well actually The Joy of Cooking's Boef Bourguignon). I used to make this for Thanksgiving back when I refused to eat turkey. It was b's first time trying it and he gave it rave reviews.

Taken Halfway Through Dinner After Remembering I needed a Photo

In between grant writing/cooking/baking I popped over to the gym for a yoga class (sorry no pictures). I'm totally enjoying yoga, which is something I never expected. I'm thinking I need to do it two or three times a week to keep this level of sanity.


Seeking Solace said...

Dogatonic...I love that. The Boy does that too!!!

Duchess said...

Hello, wandered over from the Geezersisters, and I wondered as I wandered why anyone would want to bake no knead bread. Practically the whole point of baking bread is kneading. Ask your cat.

Annie said...

You have more energy than me! Cooking always takes a back seat to just plain, making sure we get something to eat. I admire people who bake, and cook wonderful meals, while managing to do other meaningful things!

Brigindo said...

Welcome Duchess and thanks for asking such a good question. I asked the same thing for years. There was no way I was going to do no knead bread because kneading is my favorite part. But, aside from the simplicity (which allows me to bake more frequently), this bread tastes better than bread I've kneaded. It really should be called the slow-rise method because that is (a) what makes it easy and (b) what makes it taste so good.

Julie said...

It looks awesome. I'm drooling again.