If you see a whole thing - it seems that it's always beautiful. Planets, lives... But up close a world's all dirt and rocks. And day to day, life's a hard job, you get tired, you lose the pattern. - Ursula K. LeGuin

Saturday, October 25, 2008

A Little Meme Interlude

Saw this over at my friend Deb's and grabbed it.

A is for age: 43

B is for burger of choice: Don't do red meat and turkey burgers are too dry, so it's generally grilled chicken sandwiches for me.

C is for the car I drive: 1994 Toyota Corolla

D is for your dog's name: Pupzilla

E is for essential item you use every day: my laptop is pretty much glued to my fingers

F is for favorite TV show at the moment: Hmmm...Grey's Anatomy? Celebrity Rehab?

G is for favorite game: Othello

H is for home state: Up North

I is for instruments you play: i wish

J is for favorite juice: cranberry

K is for whose bum you'd like to kick: my sensei's...well I don't really want to...just want to be ABLE to, but it's never going to happen

L is for last restaurant at which you ate: local irish pub for brunch today, where they served me hazelnut coffee (very disappointing)

M is for your favorite Muppet: Snuffleupagus

N is for number of piercings: one in each earlobe but they've gone unused for about 6 years now...I doubt they work

O is for overnight hospital stays: just the one night for birthin' Angel...almost 19 years ago

P is for people you were with today: b

Q is for what you do with your quiet time: work

R is for biggest regret: not having a baby with b

S is for status: middle class? married? sane?

T is for time you woke up today: sometime between 9-10 am

U is for what you consider unique about yourself: my love of a male-dominated ancient fighting art?

V is for vegetable you love: spinach and brussel sprouts

W is for worst habit: coffee addiction...technically I'm decaffeinated but really I'm only fooling myself

X is for x-rays you've had: 3 or 4 I believe...broke my wrist twice and my ankle once

Y is for yummy food you ate today: Ben & Jerry's waffle cone with a scoop of coffee and a scoop of chocolate therapy

Z is for zodiac: Taurus the bull


Seeking Solace said...

Cool meme. I will have to do this one.

Debz said...

Love grilled chicken. I don't do much red meat - maybe 2 times a month. Otherwise it's all chicken and fish. I would eat chicken everyday if the hubby would let me.

And I loved Snuffie! I could never say his name (haha) so I always just called him Snuffie like Big Bird did. :)

Anonymous said...

Very cool! Some nice details about your life. I love the sound of the Ben & Jerry's waffle cone. Yum!