If you see a whole thing - it seems that it's always beautiful. Planets, lives... But up close a world's all dirt and rocks. And day to day, life's a hard job, you get tired, you lose the pattern. - Ursula K. LeGuin

Saturday, October 4, 2008

My Poor Little Blog...

...is so very neglected these days. The guilt would be overwhelming if I had any time to process it. Worse than my blog however is my journal. I've never been a successful journal writer. I usually can't get beyond 2 or 3 days. However when we moved down here and I started a new life in academia I decided to record the process in a daily journal. Since my computer functions as a camera the idea was to take a picture a day and to just describe what I did.

I managed almost every day for the first few months--this was before blogging and summertime in a brand new job--but then settled down into a more detailed post about once a week. I've managed to keep it alive for two years, which is really quite remarkable to me. However both August and September both have one entry each. Maybe it will become a monthly fixture...than an annual one and then what, one entry a decade? That will be one long-a$$ entry.

I think the decrease in both blogging and journaling happened because of the whole sending Angel off to school. It seems when I'm really sad or upset I don't like to write or to drink--when I'm extremely stressed I don't eat but I clean, which means that both my person and my house look their best when things are at their worst, pretty messed up eh? I have been feeling better of late (although I think that will be completely shot in 2 weeks when he comes home for his first visit) but this semester is kicking my butt big time. http://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gif

I have two community-based interventions running this month, a grant, 3 papers, a gazillion committee meetings and my two classes. All good--well not the meetings--but just no time to breathe. I've been trying to stick to going to the dojo three times a week no matter what as I believe that is my only outlet at the moment. However this is being threatened by some last minute service work that needs to be done Monday night.

Other than the dojo I think my only non-work activities are watching a smattering of TV shows and occasionally going to the movies or for drinks with b (last night we went to see this--I have mixed reactions). I haven't even been able to finish my Octavia Butler marathon. I'm two books shy of the finish line and my favorite ex-GA is reading the same one. We're supposed to be doing an email book club but I can't get to it.

Sorry. I know I'm whining and really its not bad and is just so hard to imagine how it can go from zero to 160 in a month.


Debz said...

Don't complain about whining. I will always be here to listen, just like you listen to me. I know how hard it is for you, firsthand.

Anonymous said...

I don't think you sound like you're whining. I don't know your life firsthand, of course. But from reading your blog, it sounds like so much work and a whirlwind of stress. Plus, with your son going off to school, so many changes are going on.

I had to laugh at the cleaning part, though, because I do the same thing. I think it's a way to take our minds off the big stuff, at least momentarily.

Well, you are a strong woman, and you are also an example to others like me. I just wanted to say hello and thinking of you. And I'm glad you're here whenever you can be:) Take care.